Friday, February 20, 2009

Short Stories From Another World

Hello all!!! It seems every time I get on here I apologize for NOT getting on here. But I guess that is the life of a traveler. Usually I like to share what's on my heart, or circulating in and around my brain, but for today, I think an update should suffice. A few "short stories" just to keep you in the loop.

Back to India. No!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding. But I must say, India was a whole other world. I can't explain it. You just have to go and experience it. You don't go to India to sightsee or visit any extraordinary monument (save the Taj Mahal, which is glorious by the way), but you go just to be.....well...... in India. It's a whole "sight to see" in and of itself. We hadn't been in India for more than 3 days and we both had been scammed not once......but twice. You'd think you'd learn your lesson, but those Indians are sly little bastards (if I can use such language.) They will be your best friend right up until they screw ya. We ended up in really sketchy hotels, a crazy houseboat, a 24 hour grimy bus ride, paying hundreds of dollars more than we should have, and just honestly left feeling really used and abused. It's a terrible feeling. Being taken advantage of. Someone told us while we were there - Indians will never outright rob you, but they will try to take everything they can from you. We found this most often to be the case. Also just the worldview, way of life and environment (if you can even say that word about India), is just so upside down from our way of life. Sheer madness. Two words to describe it perfectly would be - gong show. Constant honking horns, no traffic lights, constant nattering from venders and taxis, garbage EVERYWHERE, cows and goats roaming down the streets eating whatever they please - mostly garbage, and just people everywhere. The garbage especially really got to me. It is ridiculous. You have to see it. It really is disturbing. Their way of life, based in Hinduism and the caste system is really degrading. We met a "British" Indian, Jeff, who filled us in one day on a train. You can't move up or down in life - you are born into your caste. That's it. If your poor, your poor, that is your lot in life. You are what you are - born that way. So people mostly live however they want, or should I say, whatever they get. It really affects their whole way of life and society. The poor in India....are really the poorest of the poor. There is no point or reason to help them. People who say that "all religions lead to the same God or teach the same fundamental things" are simply ignorant. That is simply not true. Not only are our beliefs about the afterlife extremely different, but because of that, our lives here now, are extremely affected by what we hold to be true. That being said, my heart was often filled with sadness while being in India.

But not EVERYTHING was bad in India. In fact, people told us you have to be there at least a month to really enjoy it. To get used to the environment and shed the culture shock. By the end I was ready to leave no doubt, but I did find myself getting used to things. The Taj Mahal was simply stunning.....a massive structure, pure marble - daunting, a must see in this life. And the street food, yes I ate the street food, was unbelievable. You could eat for like 40 cents and have an unbelievable kabuli, masala chicken or lentil dish with naan bread. Mmmm....the best Indian I 've ever had. Plus eating with your hands is always fun. Although I did get sick for a day and a half - another staple of India.....ever had the Jimmy poops with an Indian toilet? Not cool. Plus we finally did make a connnection with some Christians we could trust - Ramesh and his family. We visited his Bible study, Curtis shared a confirming word for them, we prayed together and we were all really encouraged. It was cool. And then the very best was working at the Mother Teresa House for "The Dying and Destitute" for our last couple of days in Calcutta. It was a real eye opener and a humbling experience. I could fill a whole page just on that alone. You must try to go. Mother Teresa truly was a real women of God, a real suffering servant for the Lord.

THAILAND!!! Ya I'll switch that fast. Thailand was a breathe of fresh air. Clean, modern....just a bit of "normalness" and security after India. We hung out with Mike Knudsen in Bangkok for about 4-5 days and it was awesome. We shared stories, passions, struggles and beers together. I loved every minute of it. Oh and we ate duck tongue along with some of the hottest flippin' Thai food, or any food for that matter, that I've ever eaten. I remember looking across the table and watching Mike just sweating - dying from the heat, lol, I will always carry that visual with me. We also went stark crazy buying jeans, shorts, and shirts at the street market - another must experience for travelers - I'm actually turning into quite the barterer!!! Who knew!!! We also went to the dentist there and got my tooth fixed...finally!!!! No more Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber!!! Haha. From there we went down to Koh Phi Phi and just relaxed and restored for about a week. We just lounged on the beach and got addicted to banana shakes - which I will be bringing to Moose Lake 2009 by the way. There we were blessed to meet a cool guy named Mark from Edmonton. He took us deep sea fishing - no charge!!!! We really wanted to go earlier, but didn't have the finances - so it was a total blessing from God. So cool. The line hadn't been in the water 5 minutes and Curtis and Mark had caught two massive King fish - wicked.

From Thailand we literally raced through Malaysia, Singapore and made it to the Philippines. On the way we did a rainforest trek, swam in a waterfall, saw the biggest flower in the world, spent my birthday in Kuala Lumpur, right next to the Petronas towers (see above for must sees), and realized that Singapore is NOT the cleanest country in the world. I think our own Canada may hold that title thus far.

And now finally to today. I find myself in an internet shop in Davao, Philippines. We have been here for almost 2 weeks and leave in 2 days. It has been a rich time. We have spent time with Dave Wicks, Jr at a ministry called "House of Jubilee." It has been awesome. They really serve the local kids here - feeding them, teaching them and just loving and caring on them. It's perfect. All of the kids are poor, and lots have been abused and rejected - so all we try to do is love on them the best we can. We offer a high five, handshake, hug or some form of ridiculous entertainment from time to time. But really its the kids that teach us the most day in and day out. They are little warriors - a daily inspiration. We have also been blessed to lead devos in the morning, hang out, teach some of the youth and just really enjoy Dave and Liz's company. And of course now that Dave Sr arrived, we glean wisdom from him daily. It's been great.

From here we'll go to Hong Kong for 4 days and then to Australia. Our trip is winding down!!! To share all the stories and experiences would be impossible. But I am taking loads of pictures, which I realize are not up on Facebook here (I don't have my cord...idiot), and I'm almost journaling daily. Plus I have an outstanding memory.......NAAAAAAAAAAT!!! So hopefully those 3 things will help me share and hold the memories with you and for a lifetime.

Some days are unbelieable - exciting, full of adventure and life. Others are hard - frustrating, depressing and lonely. But that is the journey we signed up for. I have learned SOOOOO much about myself it is ridiculous. What I need to change about myself. Who I really am. Who I really want to be. Who I need to be. God has really been revealing things to me and working on my character daily - restoring and refining me each day. I have also grown a lot in the Lord. Doing daily devotions, making that and prayer important, and just trying to live in him every single day - habits I hope I can carry back home with me. Seeing God's faithfulness and grace out here has been phenomenal.....unbelievable. We even started making a list, because, we as broken human beings, are so easy to forget. We have seen and experienced some neat things - HE IS SO GOOD. He really does care about our everyday lives and wants to be saturated in or at home. It really does make a difference. In fact, Mom, those 5 things you listed in your note to me before I left - that you'd be praying for while we were away - I have seen ALL 5 of them come to pass. Seriously....your prayers are powerful and I see the fruit of them daily. more short paragraph. I'll be home soon. 6 weeks. I look forward to it. I also made a list of things I miss from home!!! So I don't forget when I get back - you really realize what you have when its gone. Like real milk and peanut butter for one!!! We will try to finish well out here on the road, but please keep praying for us. It helps. Curtis and I talked about the trip being over the other day. It will be sad....and weird actually. We have spent so much time together, shared in so many experiences that it will be hard to finally split up. It's like we are being prepared for marriage, lol, - sharing in frustrations, joys, prayers, deep talks and fights.....everything. But its been really good and challenging. We are finding the proverb - as iron sharpens iron so will you sharpen each other for the Lord - to be true. It's good. If possible, I recommend a trip like this to all. Well I gotta jet. Off to the House of Jubilee to learn from the kids and harass "old" Dave. Love you all. Peace.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I See Your Ancient Ruins and I'll Raise You A Cathedral

Well, since the last time I've blogged a lot has happened - my front fake tooth broke off (I look ridiculous), Curtis has eaten lamb brain, Curtis and I split up (him in India and me in Saudi Arabia), I've slept on the floor in the Doha airport....ALONE, watched a football game in Greece, a cricket game in India, and we've been interviewed for the New Delhi news!!!!

All that to say, once again, I wish I could get on here more often.  Before I get to India, and trust me there is a lot, I must conclude some last thoughts of Europe.  Although there was a lot of cool things in Europe - rich food and desserts, diverse cultures and people, and the very, very, very strong EURO!!!!!!, the thing that struck me the most was the history.  One thing we lack in Canada for sure.  The history in Europe is soooo rich.  And its all there for you to see.  It's really cool.  The massive cathedrals in the UK, the daunting ruins in Rome, the museums in Paris, the gothic castle and Charles bridge in Prague, the granduer of St. Peters and of course the start of Western civilization (you and I), at the Partheon in Athens, Greece.  All simply stunning.  Peoples' lives right before you.  But the thing I kept finding was that so much of it is drenched in Christianity.  It is everywhere.  You can't avoid it.  It doesn't take very long before you see the story of Christianity on the outside of an ancient cathedral or inscribed on something more durable than drywall.  Still there.....2000 years later.  Facinating.

It brought me to recognize one very important and central fact regarding Christianity.  At its very centre, at its heart, its very core - is a historical event.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is what makes Christianity unique.  NO OTHER RELIGION has this.  ALL other religions are based off an ideology or ideas.  A way of life.  A philosophy.   (Clayton, this is where you correct me if  I'm wrong).  It is a set of ideas or beliefs written down that somehow explain our life, our existence.  And, I don't find it ironic, this usually happens only through one man - a "revelation."  Usually alone.  But Christianity is different.  It claims that Jesus Christ was and is God and that he actually, literally died and rose from the dead.  Not only that, but that he prophesized that this would happen while he was still living.  It was the one event above all that proved his divinity.  That is what the writers of the Bible are telling us.  That is the message they had to get out to the world.  And from that moment on, the world has never been the same.  From this event, time itself was split in half.  2009 A.D........after death.  It's been 2009 years since this event.

Also, God trusted his message of love and salvation to us.  This is also unique.  He himself, Christ, didn't write anything.  He let his disciples, his followers, his prophets write it down for us.  Which creates the Bible.  It is beautiful how it all fits together.  Like 50 different writers all telling the same story through 2000 years of time.  Amazing.  That itself is a miracle, how it all fits.  They were all writing through history - giving each letter significance and importance - correlating together.  To offset this, Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism), wrote the premises of Mormonism in a cave by himself, as an angel "revealed" it to him - the real revelation.  Seems a tad sketchy to me.  And since then, there has never been anything found, no city, no coins, no historical or archeological evidence that would suggest the story in the Book Of Mormon is anything but a fairy tale.  The Islam story with Mohammed and the Koran is strikingly similar - the final revelation (again Clink, correct me if I'm wrong).  Christianity on the other hand is often used as a source for archelogical digs ITSELF because it IS so reliable historically.  

That's because the gospel writers simply are trying to tell us WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.  What they saw.  What they experienced.  What they touched.  Where it happened.  To give us as much info as they that we might see and understand and believe.  They saw and touched the risen Christ.  I journaled about this the other day....if a miracle happened how would you prove it to people.  Or what would you do?  If its a miracle then its out of the ordinary, extraordinary - for thats what makes a miracle, a miracle.  For everyone to see it, it would have to happen every second of every moment for all of time - so we would all experience it, but then it would cease to be a miracle.  So.....all that to say.....all the apostles could do was run and tell everyone they knew!!!  They saw something.  They experienced something.  And they couldn't help but tell everyone.  Their friends.  Their family.  To travel around telling strangers.   And eventually, thank goodness for us, they even wrote it down (the gospels).  It is up to us whether we trust their testimony - if we take what they say to be true.

A friend in Turkey asked Curtis and I after getting to know us a bit if we were "religious."  Curtis hesitantly said.....yes.  But everything inside of me wanted to say NO!!!  I'm not just "religious."I don't follow a dead religion.  I'm not just picking to be religious or follow something.  To choose the one that sounds the best or most funky or fits with my lifestylde.  That gives me something to believe or do on the weekends.  I want the truth.  To follow the one that is TRUE!!!  The one that is actually real.    I believe with all I am.....that I have found it.  Found the one who laid the earths foundations.  The one who created life.  Who makes life complete and make sense.  I am connected to him.  He is a part of my everyday life.  He is changing me.  I am a Christian.  I know and follow Jesus.  The risen Christ calls me his child, his son. am not religious, slugging away at a set of rules for life.  I serve a living God.  The tomb was empty that day.  I wanted to scream  - HE LIVES!!!!,  just like the apostles. THAT is what I really wanted to say.

Which brings me back to the ruins.  Its everywhere.  It literally has spread everywhere.  All the way to us in Canada.  From a little, crappy stable and manger.  It has changed the world.   I stood at where Paul gave his address to the Athenians (Acts 17:16-33).  It blew me away.  It's right in the Bible.  In Athens there are all these monuments to Dionysis, cause he was some sort of Priest there to the Greek gods (Apollo, Zeus, Athena).  Paul in Acts tells us of how Dionysis was there when he spoke and that he was one of the first to believe in Christ and eventually started his own church.  It was right there in front of us to see!!!  Solid.  Correlating.  Secure.   It is woven through history.  GO READ IT!!!  This was where Christianity spread to the west, to Europe, to North America and eventually to me.  Because Paul was so bold as to stand at this place and preach the TRUTH.  Athens, Thessonalica, Corinth, Ephesus - they are all there to testify to the Bible's story, still today.  Churches begain to spurt up everywhere - the message was out.  The Messiah, the king had come.

So the ultimate question is why?  How did this all happen?  This massive following out of nowhere?  I think because of one thing - because its actually true.  Not because a new set of ideas came up that were better than the rest, but because Jesus claimed to be God himself and then proved so by actually dying and then rising from the dead.  The apostles said, we write to you so that you may know and believe.  That simple.  I'm sure for those 3 days after Jesus died when he had not risen they were pretty rattled, confused and depressed.  The Bible says they scattered.  I would have too.  They probably thought it was over.  They were wrong.   A fib.  If that was the case I doubt they would have run around telling everyone about it - let alone dying for it.  But then BAM!!!  Jesus rises and shows up with his scared hands and feet and says - I'm alive, now go and tell the world!!!  And so they did.   They were in the unique position to actually KNOW without a doubt whether or not it was true, because they were actually there, and every single one, save John, paid for it with their very lives.  They offered their vary lives professing it was true.  I don't know many people who will die for a lie, let alone 11.  The reason the structures are there - the museums, the cathedrals, the archeology, the inscriptions, the history - is because its true.  He indeed lives.

But the best part is still yet to come.  Not only did he rise again.....but he still lives today.  He is alive today.  With you and me.  He still beckons each one of us.  If there is one thing I've learned from this trip, is God's faithfulness and graciousness, to us out here on the road...each and every day - now.  When things are easily out of our hands.....he comes through.  When we are lost.....he comes through.  When we really need something and we offer it up in prayer......he comes through.  And for a couple of punks no less, like Curtis and I.  It is awesome.  So as much as I see it scattered across history, written down on tablets of stone, on ancient ruins - I find it written on my own heart.  His new promise for his believers and followers for today.  

It is not ironic that he gives us just enough "proof" or "history" or "evidence" to find him.  Not too much to overwhelm us, but not too little so as our doubt starts to consume us.  Just enough so that our decision is really free.  Cause thats what love is - free.  You must choose to love somebody.  You can't force love.  It must be freely given.  He has given us that freedom.  That choice.  That is our gift.  To seek and to find.  It doesn't take long once you believe to see his fingerprints everywhere - in Creation, history, archeology, the Bible and eventually, your very heart.  So as I leave Europe I am reminded of what Paul said that day on Areopagus Hill in Athens so long ago - "he is indeed not far from each and everyone of us."  

And so ultimately it comes down to the exact question he asked of his disciples way at the beginning - Who do YOU say I am?  It's the same question he asks of you.  Is he just some other founder of an outdated religion?  A good man?  A good moral teacher?  Just a man?  A myth? he the living God.  The very centre of existence.  The very founder of life itself.  The Alpha and Omega.  The begining and the end.  The ruler of life AND of death.  C.S. Lewis says - you can either shut him up as a fool, or fall down at his feet and worship.  The choice is yours.