Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Confessions Of a BackPacker - I'm Just Trying To Get In Your Pants

First of all, apologies to my dearest mother. Probably not the most appropriate title considering the season. But stay with me. Now that I have your attention...let me explain.

Second, to my new friends from The Lazy Falken, although I doubt any will read this, those of you who do accidentely find themselves reading these words, a few clarifications are needed. I hope as you read, things will make sense and come together for you. Curtis and I had a blast with you and I have to say, thus far on our trip, the Lazy Falken was one of our most favorite stops. We had a great time in our short two days there hanging out with you, eating, wandering aimlessly, trying to find the cheapest food possible without causing indigestion, sledding, drinking some beers, playing caps, and just being together. But now you are being invited into a whole other depth of our you may not have picked up during our short time in hold on.....and enjoy the ride.

Third, to my new friends in Bern, Switzerland. (Insert, deep exhale here), how do I express in a short few sentences the gratitude and love I have for you. You taught me many things and blessed me in ways you don't even know about. I had no idea you could connect on such a deep level in such a short time. It blew me away.....we honestly love you very much and wish we could have spent more time with you. Although if I ate anymore chocolate or cheese, I would have turned into a human fondue myself. I am learning one secret - it doesn't matter where you go or what country you find yourself in, when you have Christ at the center of your life, relationships flow naturally and gel rapidly together. That is what he brings in and through us. Now, I am learning and living, that this is a reoccuring theme. Funny, before we left, Curtis had Switzerland on his heart, now we know why.

Lastly, to my most dear friends back in Canada. I truly miss you and cherish you, especially during this important season. I miss the beers in the Rambler room, watching hockey, drinking too much coffee, laps, beating B-rad and Mins in playstation, and making fun of Dick. I think about eating turkey with my family and just reconnecting with them. Skyping Mom and Dad, Brett and Amanda, Jeff and Natalie, Tristyn, Nate and Isabella was a most cherished blessing to me out here on the road. My thoughts and heart are with you always.

Finally, back to my provocative title. Although this trip is intended to learn, laugh and love with others - to meet and enjoy people - to grasp new cultures and build new relationships, it also has some substance behind it. We want to serve our creator king - Christ Jesus. Be faithful to him. Listen to him in the stillness of the day and find his direction as we travel along his world. We have found that every person we have met, has not been by some sort of fluke or chance, but rather part of a bigger plan. And that has been so cool for us. (Just ask me about the story of finding Marius in Bern). We do not have any sort of hidden agenda or plan, but rather, simply, want to leave the world a little bit better off than it was when we first arrived. We hope our friends and hosts have found that to be so.

OK, now finally, to my ridiculous I think Christians, maybe you have found this too, can all too often try to shove Christ down peoples' throats. All to often beat you over the head with the Bible. Make you believe what we believe. Act without love, without gentleness and without truth. The apostle Paul suggests that we can sound like a huge, loud, annoying gong. GONG GONG GONG GONG!! Just typing it makes me cringe. I think this can happen all to easily on trips abroad, like ours - especially missions. We want to get in and get out. Affect people instantly, get results, have success, and then leave. So we can look at our chart of results and feel good about ourselves. I've heard people say before that they can believe in Christ, they like what they see in him....but it is his followers that stems their unbelief. This saddens me....and forgive me if I ever have caused such feelings......because I know for many....this rings true.

And thus, forgive me father, we are "just trying to get in your pants." We don't want to get to know you. We don't want to spend time with you. We don't want to hear your stories. We don't want to hear about your scars. We don't want to hear about how Christians have burned you in the past. We don't want an explanation of why you don't believe and the substantial (it has to be for someone not to believe and thus live a whole life committed NOT to believe) evidence backing your unbelief. We just want to use you. We want to add a knotch to our belt. Add you to the list. Convert, convert, convert. Then we feel successful, then we feel rewarded, then we feel like we've "succeeded." We've accomplished our goal!! We have just got into your pants....and now its time to move on, leave you and find the next. It's terrible. Disgusting. Perverted. And wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive us. For we don't know what we do.

But I am learning that these things take time. The people in Rwanda, Interlaken and Bern are teaching me. God is stirring my heart. I find with our North American concept of success and progress we always want to be the harvester. Reap the benefits. Get the glory and the honor. But for me, on this trip, in Africa and Europe, I am finding we are doing the opposite - we are planting seeds. Here and there, everywhere we go, we are flinging seed everywhere, and hoping and praying that it finds fertile soil. To trust that God will take those seeds and cause them to grow. And that, my friends, takes time. Both to sow and of course to grow. It is not an instantaneous process. And the crappy part about it is, often you can't watch it grow, you can't see it, you can't gage the 'progress.' You must trust, as the Bible suggests, that while you are away or sleeping - GOD causes it to grow. And the real crappy part about it is that someone ELSE might harvest it and reap the benefits of YOUR effort. You may not even SEE it. It is beautiful.

What I learned at the Lazy Falken was this...I am still human and often suck at doing life and showing my true colors. That I love meet them, to get to know them, to hear their stories, but also that relationships take time - to get into the grit and substance of their everyday life. So I hope we do stay connected- I want to hear those stories. They are important....for they are yours. You taught me much and I hope I taught you at least something. I know we met for a reason......we are now going to Hong Kong for goodness sake!!!!! What are the chances we happen to have a layover in Hong Kong and meet Chris and Thomas who live in Hong Switzerland of all places. Pretty cool. We do not want to fly in and out of peoples lives on this trip, but rather, create relationships that last, that have substance. That seeds are planted that will grow and flourish. And that doesn't come with a one-time smack over the head with a Bible, but rather with steady and subtle love. Flying in and out of people lives without having enough time to listen and dig deeper is simple bogus. People are worth more than that. I hope we never do this and forgive us if we do.

Also, from my friends in Bern. You have affected me deeply. You've affected our trip deeply (we stayed for 1 week longer than we thought we would!!!!). You have just proved my point!!!! You have taught and blessed me so much!! Relationships take time. They take work. They take trust. Not to say we can't affect someone instantly or the Spirit can't do a miraculous work in an instant, he can and does, but most often this Christian life and walk takes time, effort. And to be honest, that way, relationships have more depth. Which is what I found in Bern. People have come into my life, accepted me, invited me into their lives and homes, and thus have challenged me, taught me and affected me deeply. All things I'm not so sure would have happened over the course of a couple of hours or a moment. Things like Cheese fondue, Rokalet, worship times, jogging together, Sunday brunch, deep convos, crazy train rides with weird old men, 287 different flavours of yogurt, youth group Spitzbuben night, good red wine, and sooooooo much more. Worth every second.

And so a trip like this almost sounds contradictory.....we don't have enough time to get to know have such rich relationships. Yet I believe the relationships I've come to enjoy and soak in will continue on until the day I die. They are the same relatoinships I talked of before I left. They are seeds being planted. So my message or thought for today is for different groups I guess. The diverse group of people who do call themselves my friends and who do wander there way into these words. My fellow backpackers in Interlaken, my dear friends in Bern and to my fellow listeners back home. Unbelievers and believers. As much as this trip is about a purpose, or meaning, or even mission field if you will, it is more a learning ground, a blessing, a realization that our greatest influence and chance to better the world is with the people we rub shoulders with everyday. The people we take the chance and time to 'get to know.' The people we take the time to dive embrace.....not just to get into your....well you know the rest. Its our friends on the road, our family, our friends at home, our fellow workers......we need to love them and cherish them with all you got. Always sowing what we can, watering and weeding with the Lord as we go. You don't have to travel the world to do this. In fact, at home is where your true colors shine brightest. No matter where you are - you are there. Forever influencing. Forever living. In the end, you decide how you will leave the world.

So I hope during your time over the Christmas holidays you have time to reflect and celebrate. That you spread seeds like crazy and take the time to water and weed them. May your time, no matter where you are, is as rich and delicious as Swiss chocolate itself.

1 comment:

Kenton, Daniel & Jordan said...

dude, I am just so proud of you... the more I get to know you, the more you inspire me!!. good thoughts bro and it sounds like you are already living an adventure to remember for the rest of your life. Kardy tells me you got a case of the runny bum now. Congrats bood buddy. blessing in your travel and hey remember that God can lead you to much greater adventures than you or Kardy can find. Love ya bro, Dan